Competente BAC 2025. Modele de subiecte publicate de Ministerul Educatiei

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la 01 Nov. 2024
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Competente BAC 2025. Modele de subiecte publicate de Ministerul Educatiei01Nov.2024

Primele modele de subiecte Bac 2025 pentru elevii de clasa a XII-a au fost publicate vineri, 1 noiembrie, de Ministerul Educatiei, prin Centrul National de Politici si Evaluare in Educatie (CNPEE).

Examenul de Bacalaureat este sustinut dupa absolvirea liceului si consta in sustinerea a trei probe de competente lingvistice si digitale, urmate de trei probe scrise. In 2025, candidatii vor sustine probele de competente in perioada 27 ianuarie-7 februarie, urmand ca probele scrise sa se desfasoare in luna iunie. AICI Calendar BAC 2025<<
Pana la momentul sustinerii examenului, elevii isi pot testa cunostintele folosind modelele de subiecte pentru examenul de Bacalaureatul 2025, insotite de baremele de evaluare si notare corespunzatoare, publicate de CNPEE si pe care le gasiti in acest articol. 

Modele subiecte BAC Romana oral 

Citeste textul cu voce tare.
Cu imaginile, ca si cu textele, lucrurile stau cam asa: consumam zilnic o cantitate imensa de informatie vizuala si scrisa, care se deruleaza pe ecranul telefonului sau computerului. E o miscare rapida cu care ochii si creierul nostru s-au obisnuit in ultimul deceniu. Exista o neliniste a „scrollului”, care nu ne mai lasa sa stam doar cu gandurile noastre. De parca am pierde timp si am rata ceva important. Evident, e o iluzie, ca toate cele in care ajungem sa fim captivi. Degetele noastre nervoase cauta obsesiv sa atinga un ecran, sa faca o fotografie, dar, daca le iei obiectul dorintei, vor trece ca printr-un sevraj, dar la un moment dat se vor potoli. Traim, de altfel, intr-un mare paradox, cu cat suntem mai conectati, cu atat parca devenim mai prost informati.
Incercati sa convingeti pe cineva, care n-are obisnuinta asta, ca experienta cinematografului sau a cititului unui roman, care inseamna si sa lasi telefonul deoparte, cel putin o ora si jumatate, e importanta. „De ce?”, te va intreba. Intrebarea asta simpla, pe care copiii o pun obsesiv. Nu poti sa povestesti, in cazul asta, decat ce ai trait, cum a fost sa intri intr-o sala de cinema dupa cateva luni. Putem sa ne ducem vietile, cum bine stim deja din timpul pandemiei, fara multe lucruri pe care le credeam indispensabile. Oricate filme vazusem pe ecranul laptopului, seara, cand dadeam play, visam cu ochii mintii cum o sa ma asez la un moment dat pe un scaun capitonat la cinema si o sa astept sa se stinga lumina si sa inceapa calatoria. [...]
Filmele si cartile ne vorbesc de multe ori chiar despre vietile noastre, in asta sta puterea lor. Despre oameni dragi, despre ce am trait sau ne-am imaginat la un moment dat. Si asta ar putea fi unul dintre raspunsurile posibile la intrebarea atat de fireasca, in fond, „de ce sa merg sa vad un film care nu e amuzant?”, de exemplu. Si nu e deloc „divertisment”. Din contra.
(Ana Maria Sandu, Privirea ei pierduta, de copil neajutorat,, 17 dec. 2022)
1. Formuleaza raspunsuri la intrebarile de mai jos, referitoare la situatia de comunicare din textul citat.
a. Cine ar putea fi receptorul textului dat, avand in vedere scopul comunicarii?
b. Carui stil functional ii apartine textul de mai sus? Mentioneaza doua caracteristici formale/de continut.
c. Ce elemente importante de continut (idei, argumente, fapte, opinii) identifici in textul dat?
2. Care este opinia ta despre rolul filmului in lumea actuala? Motiveaza-ti raspunsul.

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Modele subiecte BAC 2025

Iata cum arata un subiect la Evaluarea competentelor lingvistice in limba Engleza

Proba orala la Limba engleza

1. Answer the following question: What can people learn from animals?
2. Describe a happy memory from kindergarten.
3. Give your opinion on the following statement: Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. (Confucius) Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas.

Proba de intelegere a unui text audiat la Limba engleza

* Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 20 de minute.
SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)
You will hear two people, Jackie and Richard, talking about Halloween. For questions 1 – 4 choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
1. What from did the British use to make lanterns?
A. apples
B. trunks
C. helmets
D. turnips
2. Besides making laterns, what else is popular on Halloween?
A. painting your face
B. dressing up
C. scaring people
D. cooking
3. What does Jackie think is the easiest costume to make?
A. a ghost
B. a vampire
C. a skeleton
D. a zombie
4. What is the popular game that Richard remembers?
A. apple bobbing
B. the chocolate game
C. football
D. pin the wart on the witch’s nose
SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)
You will listen to a speech about food cravings. For questions 5 – 10, choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
5. What strategy is mentioned to avoid thinking about food?
A. smelling food that you don’t like
B. trying really hard not to think about food
C. going out of the kitchen
D. occupying yourself with work
6. A food craving is defined as
A. a wish for a certain type of food.
B. a desire for any type of food.
C. a passion for cooking.
D. a disposition for eating.
7. ”Vietnamese pho” is given as an example of
A. food from one’s childhood.
B. traditional food.
C. unusual food.
D. food to be avoided.
8. The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that controls
A. simple body functions.
B. quick body functions.
C. fundamental body functions.
D. no body functions at all.
9. Why are food cravings called ”mind hunger”?
A. They can be controlled by using our mental powers.
B. They are satisfied only by thinking about them.
C. They are connected to our mental state and memory.
D. They can trigger feelings and memories.
10. Why do fatty or sugary foods provide feelings of pleasure?
A. They have an impact on our hearts.
B. They stimulate our brain.
C. They provide you with feelings of comfort.
D. They taste wonderful.

Proba scrisa la Limba engleza

*Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 120 de minute.


SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)
Read the text below. Are the sentences 1-5 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (B)? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (B), choose 'Doesn't say' (C). Mark A, B or C on your exam sheet.
Girls Skate!
Sosina Challa lives in Ethiopia. That’s in Africa. When she was about 16, she saw a group of boys skateboarding in a parking lot. “I used to watch skateboarding in the movies,” Challa told TIME for Kids. “But I never got the chance to try.” That changed. “I just asked if I could try to skate,” she says. “It was fun!”
At the time, skateboarding was still pretty new in Ethiopia. The sport was male-dominated, just as it is today. But Challa was hooked. She wanted girls to experience skateboarding. So in 2020, she teamed up with her friend Micky Asfaw to start Ethiopian Girl Skaters (EGS). The club provides free skateboarding lessons to girls and young women. “It’s not just about skateboarding,” she says. “We try to build a community.” EGS lessons take place on Saturdays at Addis Skatepark. It’s in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital and largest city. Each session has about 35 students. “You get skating sessions and friendship and family,” skater Kenan Menasse recently told VOA Africa. “That’s the best.”
Club members come from diverse backgrounds. Some need help paying for school materials and fees. Others need mental health support. “They go through a lot, so we try to mentor them,” Asfaw says. “Skateboarding is a bridge for us to connect with the girls.”
Skateboarding was popularized in California in the 1960s. But it didn’t take off in Ethiopia until about 10 years ago. “It’s just growing,” Asfaw says. “It’s an interesting, extreme sport.” “When I started skateboarding,” Challa says, “there were no girls actively participating in the skate community because of the stereotype.” In traditional Ethiopian society, she explains, girls are expected to stay home and help their parents. “The sport is for everyone,” she tells adults who may be hesitant to let their daughters join the club. “Everyone in the community helps each other,” Challa says about EGS and its members. “That’s how we try to build our sistership.”
1. Sosina Challa started skateboarding after she saw her brother do it.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
2. If you are a girl, you have to pay a membership fee in order to become part of the EGS club.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't Say
3. The members of the club are from the same social category.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't Say
4. Skateboarding was made popular in Ethiopia after an American actor visited the country.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
5. Practising skateboarding means that the girls become part of a community.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say
SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)
Read the text below. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
Ways to Keep in Touch with Your High School Friends after Graduation
Change can be such a bittersweet feeling. You get comfortable with a structure and timeframe, but suddenly, that structure gets altered. This happens in every stage of your life, but the first noticeable time this significantly occurs is probably as a high school senior (especially during pre-graduation and post-graduation).
After being put in the same schooling process for about 4 years and seeing the same faces every day, as soon as you throw up your graduation cap, everyone is immediately on their own path. Most students go to college immediately, some decide to take a gap year, some start a job, and some are never heard of after graduation.
It’s almost been a year since the class of 2022 graduated, and in a couple of months, the class of 2023 will also embark on the same journey. If you had or have a friend group from high school, it’s completely normal to be worried about how you will continue to stay friends with everyone. With that, here are ways to keep in touch with your high school friends.
High school graduates summer activities vary from person to person, as some students may be getting ready for college (orientation, packing, meeting their roommates etc.), and some may just want to relax during summer while figuring out how they plan on spending their life. However, summer time is one of the best times to keep in touch with your high school friends, as most of you will probably still be near each other (in terms of location) for the time being. Be intentional about meeting up, so you can just spend time with each other. Do things you would usually do together, and reminisce on your fun times.
By the time summer period is over, everyone is truly on their own path, so interacting through social media can help keep in touch with your friends a lot. Interact on your group chats, add yourselves to each other’s private stories and close friend lists, check up on each other, and regularly update yourselves on new developments that are happening in your life. Social media makes communication so much easier, so facetime, video chat and talk online as much as possible.
Some students like travelling out of state for college, and other high school graduates who don’t go to college immediately may not want to stay in their state, so they can rediscover themselves. This means there is a high chance everyone is scattered across the country or even out of the country. Based on this, the only time you may have the chance to meet up with your high school friends may be during holiday periods. Some key holidays this may be possible are: Thanksgiving, Winter break and Summer break. Make plans with your high school friends ahead of time to make sure everyone will be around at the same time, and plan how you’ll hang out with each other to catch up.
As soon as your graduate from your high school, you immediately become an alumnus. A lot of high schools usually organize alumnus activities to get their former students to remain a key member of the community. You can plan ahead with your high school friends on the kind of activities you’d like to participate in, and the days you’d like to go for these activities. This way, you get to still be a part of your high school community, and meet up with your high school friends every once in a while.
It won’t make sense to immediately throw a reunion party after graduation, but a little down the line, in about 3-5 years, you can decide to throw a reunion party for your set mates with the help of your high school friends, (or ask your high school administration to get involved) so you can see how far everyone has come and catch up with as many people as possible.
Although you may feel the need and desire to desperately want to catch up with your high school friends because of situations such as FOMO (fear of missing out) and separation anxiety, it is also important to grow and open up your mind to change. Don’t get so fixated on wanting to live in the past that you forget to experience the present and the changes right in front of you. Change is a very scary thing, but sometimes it helps you grow and reinvent yourself in so many ways. High school and high school friends are great, but open up your mind too.
1. Change is a feeling that everyone experiences
A. during their high school years.
B. if they are not willing to lead a stable life.
C. after graduation, but then it is never encountered.
D. at different moments in their life.
2. After graduation,
A. students all follow the same path.
B. students usually prefer to take a year to travel the world.
C. parents become involved in the decision-making process of the students.
D. there are several paths open to students.
3. Worrying about staying friends with your high school classmates is
A. to be expected.
B. not advisable.
C. highly unlikely.
D. an unfortunate situation
4. After graduation, the author of the article says that meeting up during the summer
A. needs to be left to chance.
B. should be the result of a plan.
C. is not recommended.
D. can lead to feelings of isolation.
5. The article says that using social media in order to keep in touch with high school friends
A. is beneficial.
B. is not a good option.
C. is debatable.
D. has possibly negative effects.
6. Sometimes, you can only meet up with your high school friends during the holiday season because
A. everyone is too busy with college projects.
B. students usually go to a college abroad and cannot return until the holidays.
C. students attend both colleges in the country and out of the country.
D. students have to return home to visit their families.
7. What does “alumnus” refer to?
A. a person that has graduated from university.
B. a person who is interested in the Latin language.
C. a person who is taking a gap year.
D. a person that has graduated from high school.
8. The author of the article says that a reunion party should be organized
A. immediately after high school.
B. during the last year of high school.
C. 10 years after high school graduation.
D. at some point after graduating from high school.
9. The conclusion of the article is that change should be
A. embraced.
B. avoided.
C. feared.
D. ignored.
10. The overall tone of this article is
A. hilarious and entertaining.
B. pessimistic and depressing.
C. positive and reassuring.
D. ironic, although optimistic.


SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)
You have received an email from Dan, your pen friend, who needs your help with a school project about what type of events teenagers in your country prefer to attend nowadays. Write an email to Dan telling him about the events teenagers in your country go to, providing him with details regarding the type, the location and the participants. Write your email in 80 - 100 words.
SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)
You have taken part in a class discussion on social media. You have decided to write an essay for your teacher discussing its advantages and disadvantages for teenagers. Write your essay in 180 - 200 words.

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Modele subiecte Competente Digitale BAC 2025

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Te-ai hotarat sa sustii examenul de Definitivare?
Examenul de DEFINITIVAT. Venit. Dat. Luat!

Iata SOLUTIA problemelor tale, culegerea UNICAT de:

Teste REZOLVATE de Limba si Literatura romana pentru reusita la examenul de DEFINITIVARE

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- subiectului elaborat de Centrul National de Evaluare si Examinare;
- programei specifice pentru examen.

Pregatiti-va din timp pentru examenul de Definitivare! 

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